Use our interactive tools to draft parental, medical, caregiver, and personal leave policies.
Paid parental leave is table stakes for today's employees. Plug in your details and craft a policy in seconds.
Medical leaves make up more than half of all FMLA leaves. Implement a clear policy so that when (not if) they come up, you're ready.
Three out of four employees at your company have caregiving responsibilities—create a culture that helps them thrive at work and at home.
Create a policy that prioritizes pay, privacy, and job-protection for your employees.
Paid leave is table stakes for today's employees. Find out how much it will cost your company to offer competitive policies.
A 10-step checklist to ensure your parental leave policy is not only progressive but compliant.
Cocoon’s new dataset of venture backed companies provides insight into how much time employers are offering for paid parental, medical, and caregiver leave across different company sizes and industries.
Our interactive tool helps employees and HR teams understand the laws that apply to their unique leave circumstances based on their home state, leave type, and tenure.
There are 43 (and counting!) state parental, medical, and caregiver leave laws. Use our interactive map to keep track.
We worked with our founding legal Counsel, Frank Alvarez, to create an interactive medical leave policy generator to give you a starting point.
Ensure your company’s compliance and policy language with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) with our checklist for employers.
Ensure employee leave compliance and download our FMLA leave compliance and leave of absence checklist for notices you’re required to send employees when they request leave.
Stumped on a parental leave policy? Our policy generator can help you flesh out the first draft, as you follow along with considerations outlined here.
Start here to draft your caregiver leave policy and understand the components that go into it.
Read our guide for key questions to ask to make sure you find the best employee leave management provider for your company and employees.