Paid leave benchmark report

Cocoon’s new dataset of venture backed companies provides insight into how much time employers are offering for paid parental, medical, and caregiver leave across different company sizes and industries. Last updated March 2024.

Policy trends

Median policy offerings are trending up over the last 3 years

While employers may be pulling back on perks that attract new talent, they're continuing to invest in policies that really matter to employees and improve retention.

Paid leave policy trends over the last three years for parental, medical, and caregiver leaves

16 weeks

Median paid parental leave for birthing parents

12 weeks

Median paid parental leave for non-birthing parents

6 weeks

Median paid medical leave for employees

6 weeks

Median paid caregiver leave for employees

"Offering paid leave for parents, caregivers, and employees experiencing medical issues is an absolute must. As the data states the median policy offerings are trending up over the last few years. This indicates that now, more than ever, employers are recognizing the importance of supporting their employees. Life doesn’t stop when you get to work and investing in these policies shows your employees that you’re thinking about their wellbeing and their experience."

Hebba Youssef, Founder & Creator of I Hate it Here and Chief People Officer  |  Workweek

Help enrich our dataset for the H2 2024 benchmark report

Submit your company's paid parental, medical, and/or caregiver leave policies. Leave your contact info and we'll email you when the new report is published!

Parental leave

Paid parental leave is table stakes for today's employees

The number of companies in the US offering paid parental leave policies continues to climb.

paid parental, medical, caregiver, and compassionate leave

95% of employers in our data set offer paid parental leave.

Benefits and Rewards

Early stage companies offer some of the most competitive policies.


As companies scale, their birthing parent policies expand versus non-birthing parent policies which stay relatively stagnant.

Company size

How much parental leave different size companies are offering birthing and non-birthing parents.

Bar chart showing how much paid parental leave companies are offering to birthing and non-birthing parents

Policy spread

The minimum and maximum amount of parental leave companies offer to birthing and non-birthing parents.

Chart showing the spread of paid parental leave policy offerings across different company sizes for birthing and non-birthing parents

Policy distribution

How parental leave policies are distributed across our dataset.

Two side-by-side charts showing the paid parental leave policy distribution for birthing parents and non-birthing parents, ranging from 0 to 35 weeks

Tenure requirements

Percentage of companies with a tenure requirement in our dataset. Ranges are inclusive of top end.

Two side-by-side charts showing the paid parental leave policy distribution for birthing parents and non-birthing parents, ranging from 0 to 35 weeks


How much parental leave different companies are offering across different industries for birthing and non-birthing parents.

Bar chart showing the paid parental leave policies across different industries for birthing and non-birthing parents. Industries include: Venture capital, EdTech, Analytics, Security tech, BioTech, HR tech, FinTech, Consumer tech, Developer tools, Enterprise software, Adtech, Insurance, Hardware, Healthcare/ health tech

"It's great to see paid leave policies increase year-over-year. Employees who feel supported by their employers during these important life moments are much more likely to stick around. Even as budgets are under increased scrutiny, employers are recognizing that the cost of offering paid leave is far less than the cost of replacing employees (which can range from 0.5-2x their salary) who leave because they didn't get the support they needed."

Shelby Wolpa, People Leader and Founder  |  Shelby Wolpa Consulting

Image of HR team celebrating.

Get early access to our next benchmark report

Our H2 2024 paid leave benchmarks will be published in late September. Sign up now to get the new dataset delivered directly to your inbox.

Medical leave

Medical leave policies have expanded over the last 2 years

Medical leaves make up more than half of all FMLA leaves yet paid policies lag behind parental leave.

Return on Investment

Since March 2022, the median time offered for medical leaves has increased 76% from 3.4 weeks to 6 weeks.


Early stage companies in our dataset offer the most generous medical leave policies.

The percentage of companies offering paid medical leave has increased 8% since our last report in March 2023.

Company size

How much medical leave different size companies are offering to their employees.

Bar chart showing the paid medical leave offering across different company sizes

Policy spread

The minimum and maximum amount of medical leave companies offer to their employees.

Chart showing the policy spread across medical leave policies from differently sized companies

Policy distribution

How medical leave policies are distributed across our dataset.

Chart showing the distribution of policy offerings for paid medical leave ranging from 0 to 18 weeks

Tenure requirements

Percentage of companies with a tenure requirement in our dataset. Ranges are inclusive of top end.

Chart showing the distribution of policy offerings for paid medical leave ranging from 0 to 18 weeks


How much medical leave different companies are offering across different industries.

Bar chart showing how much paid medical leave is offered across different industries

"Equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace stem from having policies and programs that support employees through various stages of their lives and careers. The data presented is encouraging—it demonstrates that companies are recognizing that we must provide paid leave for a variety of scenarios. Companies that are looking at their leave programs through an empathetic and inclusive lens will undoubtedly benefit from higher rates of engagement and retention."

Laura Hammond, People Leader and Founder  |  The People People

Offering paid leave may cost less than you think

Calculate the total cost of a paid leave program with Cocoon's new tool

Caregiver leave

Caregiver leave continues to gain popularity

A promising trend is the increase in paid caregiver leave policies—something that may impact the 1 in 5 Americans that act as caregivers.


1 in 5 employers in our dataset offers a paid caregiver leave policy.

Brokers and Consultants

Of those employers with a paid parental leave, 21% have paid caregiver leave. Of those with paid medical leave, 35% have paid caregiver leave.


The percentage of companies offering paid caregiver leave has increased 9% since our last report in March 2023.

Company size

How much caregiver leave different size companies are offering to their employees.

Bar chart showing the paid caregiver leave policies across different company sizes

Policy spread

The minimum and maximum amount of caregiver leave companies offer to their employees.

Chart showing the distribution of paid caregiver leave policy offerings

Policy distribution

How caregiver leave policies are distributed across our dataset.

Chart showing the distribution of paid caregiver leave policies, ranging from 0 to 18 weeks

Tenure requirements

Percentage of companies with a tenure requirement in our dataset. Ranges are inclusive of top end.

Chart showing the distribution of paid caregiver leave policies, ranging from 0 to 18 weeks


How much caregiver leave different companies are offering across different industries.

Bar chart showing the different paid caregiver leave policy offerings across different industries

Employer insights

A company with paid policies beyond parental leave is exceptional

EdTech/e-Learning, BioTech, FinTech, and Consumer tech are the best industries for employees to work in for leave. All show up at or above the median for all leave types.

Benefits and Rewards

Only 1 in 5 companies offer paid leave policies for parental, medical, and caregiver leaves.

paid parental, medical, caregiver, and compassionate leave

Consumer tech leads the way and may be the best industry for employees to work in if they want the best of all benefits.

home office stipend

Caregiver employees may want to avoid Venture capital, Adtech, and Hardware industries as they have no paid caregiver benefits in our dataset.

Industry offerings

Percent of companies in each industry that offer a paid leave policy across parental, medical, and caregiver leave.

Bar chart showing the percent of companies in each industry that offer paid parental, medical, and caregiver leave

Top industries

How much paid parental, medical, and caregiver leave the top industries offer to their employees.

Bar chart showing the different offerings across top industries for paid parental, medical, and caregiver leave

Final thoughts

One of the best ways to stand out is to offer paid medical and caregiver leave

There isn't a perfect answer for what a "good policy" at a company looks like. Employers should take into account where they stand among their peers to make sure they have competitive policy offerings.

Reduce legal risk

Offer paid leave for parental, medical, and caregiver leave. If you have all three, make sure they are at or above the median offering.

Reduce legal risk

Create a culture of caregiving at your company. 3 out of 4 employees have caregiving responsibilities—if you think you don't have any caregivers at your company, you're just not asking the right questions yet.

Reduce legal risk

If you have policies that are at or above the median, especially within your industry, market it! Make sure your employees and any candidates know that you prioritize leave.

Give your employees the leave experience they deserve